October 5 -9, 2023
Cost: $1650
What compass are you using to navigate your way through this world? What are you orienting to when chaos comes, things seem clouded and unclear? Also, wanna ride some awesome dirt in the “Mountain Bike Capital of the World”?
While the answer to the first questions takes time, reflection, and deep consideration, the answer to the last one is pretty simple. Of course you do. So say yes to the easy one and we’ll work our way through the others together.
The cost is $1650* per participant based on 9 riders.
This includes:
all transportation to and from XNA and if driving and all transportation in NWA for everyone
(airfare and airport transfers are not included).
It also includes: bike and gear transportation and shuttling to and from ride locations. All lodging, all meals, beverages and fuel while riding. An Abide Collective Adventure tech shirt and journal are included as well.
Not covered:
are airfare, airport transfers, meals when we eat out, bike gear, your bike or bike rental.
Health note:
We expect everyone on the trip to take seriously their responsibility towards others in regards to COVID and any other communicable health issue.
* Thursday October 5th: Hub up in NWA
* October 6-8 Gear up, ride epic trails, take in the best of Northwest Arkansas
(world class museums, award winning restaurants and breweries, great live music)
and have times for quiet, reflection and meaningful conversations.
* Monday October 9 Head back home
This is serious mountain biking. You’re going to need a trail worthy ride and dedicated gear. We’ll have tools and support equipment but come prepared with gear you need specific to your bike. Appropriate clothing is also a must.
Do the research and bring what you need to ride hard for 3-4 days.
The weather is classic early fall Ozark, could be dry and hot, wet and chilly or a combination of both. We can hit up local stores if you forget anything or need to rent a bike. NWA has some great gear shops.
Note - Abide Collective is not a professional guide service. This trip is a group of friends traveling together and sharing the costs. This is not a fee for professional outfitting.