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December 5, 2016 | JOHN RAY


“The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul,

who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to

something greater to come.”       Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christmas Sermons


As we continue our participation in Advent, let’s really focus on the aspects of confession and repentance. As I wrote last week, this may sound “Grinch-y” and all, but it is a necessary part of making room in our lives, spirits, hearts and minds for what is to come at Christmas.


I have been thinking much recently about the necessity of being hopeless before we can experience true hope. But it’s risky business. We can’t bargain for it. We can’t let go of our hope in lesser things as a way of manipulating God. We have to do it by faith. We have to give up and wait. This all starts with confession and repentance.

One thing to remember here: We not only confess the sins we have committed, but the sins that have been done to us, too. We not only confess and repent of our individual sins, but also those we have participated in or benefitted from as a people. We will talk more about this idea next time we meet.

This week read the attached PDF on Confession and engage in the individual disciplines as well as the corporate disciplines with your family as applicable.


Also, watch the following clip by Ann Voskamp as part of your worship:










The following might help you with your prayers of confession, as well.

"Waiting For God to Act," Brian Zahnd 


Grace and peace, y’all,


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